Hi my name is Collin Chute. I’m a film maker, artist, and relational therapist based in Portland, OR.
Currently I am pursuing my MCFT master’s degree in Portland, OR. My passion is people, and I have always been interested in human behavior, and the gray spaces of understanding. I’m also a director, actor, writer, and producer. I’m the former host of the sports podcast Washington Hangover, and writer for game and film reviews for Jeawok Digital Newspaper.
Originally from Alexandria, VA, I graduated with a degree in acting from VCU.
I finished directing a new film I wrote called “The Hat.” It’s an existential comedic and dramatic narrative inspired by the French New Wave movement. A vacation for two couples begins to sour after Jeffrey jumps in the bay to save his friend’s hat. Cal begins to unravel, questioning his own autonomy as he becomes jealous of Jeffrey’s flirtatious and spontaneous attitude. We have finished the editing process and begun submitting to festivals. When that concludes we’ll have a public release.
I recently moved to Portland to begin seeking my masters. As an actor I’m a member of SAG-AFTRA.
“The idea is to remain in a state of constant departure while always arriving.” -Waking Life (Richard Linklater)